10 Characteristics of coaching leadership styleJust 5 min read

Characteristics of coaching leadership style and what is coaching leadership style? are some of the topics we are going to see in this short blog.

You are working in an organization where leader guides team member to discover their talent and enhance their capabilities, 


Where leadership is not just about deadlines, delegation and managing multiple projects.

Welcome to the short blog about characteristics of coaching leadership style, where we will see how coaching leadership style is transforming lives of team members and organizations.

What is Coaching Leadership Style?

Coaching leadership style is a management approach that involves developing and guiding individuals in the team to reach their full potentials. 

In coaching leadership style, leaders act as a coach instead of traditional leadership methods, leaders focus on personal and professional development of team members. 

Coaching leader provides an environment for learning, encourages discovery, allows us to take risks, and supports good communication, feedback and goal-setting.

One of characteristics of coaching leadership style is these leaders, that they emphasize on individual development, active listening, and backing the team members.

Coaching leadership style works best for all types of organization, now let’s understand characteristics of coaching leadership style in detail.

Characteristics of Coaching Leadership Style

There are 10 characteristics of coaching leadership style, however there can be many but these 10 characteristics of coaching leadership style includes all.

Individualized Development.

Coaching leaders work closely with the team, they understand the strengths and weaknesses of each team member.

They find out ways to utilize these strengths and curb the weaknesses for individual development of team members.


Leader focuses on the unique aspirations of team members and tries to match them with organizational goals.

Coaching leadership style creates an environment where team members not only grow as well as contribute to the growth of the organization.

Active Listening

Coaching leaders are active listeners, they listen to the concerns, aspirations and feedback from team members very carefully.

Effective communication is crucial for coaching leadership and is one of the characteristics of coaching leadership style.

Coaching leaders actively listen to the concerns and goals of individuals, they seek to understand their perspectives on various aspects.

Leaders who listen to understand and act, build a great amount of trust in the team.

Feedback and Guidance

One of the best characteristics of coaching leadership style is feedback and guidance they provide to their team members. 

Coaching leaders provide constructive feedback to their team members that helps them to improve their performance. 


They also provide guidance to team members as and when required to improve their performance.

Leaders have honed the art of providing constructive feedback in such a way that it does not hurt sentiment of the team member, and they improve their performance.

Goal Setting

One of the key characteristics of a coaching leadership style is an inclusive goal setting process.

Coaching leader involves everyone to set clear and achievable goals in a collaborative manner.

These goals are set in such a way that it aligns individual goals with organizational goals, this way it provides opportunity to individuals to grow professionally and personally.

Skill Development

Coaching leaders work towards development of skills of individuals in his team.

They are able to identify opportunities for learning and skill development for team members.

With help of workshops, training programs, seminars or online courses Coaching leaders guide team members for skill development.


Empowerment is the best characteristics of coaching leadership style, it gives autonomy and responsibility to individual team members.

When individuals are given opportunity with autonomy and responsibility they feel empowered and coaching leaders just do that.

Coaching Leaders create an environment where individual team members feel confident to take initiative and make decisions, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability.

Questioning and reflection

Coaching leaders encourage discussion in the team, instead of providing direct answers they initiate conversation that leads to discussion.

Leaders ask open ended questions that encourage the team to have reflection and critical thinking.

This approach helps individuals to develop problem solving abilities and finding answers on their own.

Motivation and Recognition

One of the greatest characteristics of coaching leadership style is ability to provide inspiration and motivation to team members.

Coaching leaders appreciate the efforts, celebrate the success and give due recognition as and when required.

Leaders create a positive and enthusiastic work culture for the team.

Trust Building

Trust is most crucial for success in coaching leadership.

Leaders build trust by staying authentic, transparent and genuine in all communication.

He takes genuine interest in personal and professional growth of the individuals in the team.


Coaching leaders understand that every individual has a different learning style, they adapt with that and shift his leadership style as per requirement.

Coaching leaders are most flexible and adaptable in organization, they understand different needs, aspirations and ambitions of team members.

Coaching leadership style fosters a positive and enthusiastic work environment in the organization. They promote culture of learning and growth for the team.

You can observe these characteristics of coaching leadership style in your organization and find if someone exhibits them.

You can continue to read our other blogs for further understanding of coaching leadership style.

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If you want to learn about coaching leadership refer to this book – The Coaching Habit.